
General naming conventions

Core terms

A string which identifies the current user, composed and formatted according to an arbitrary security standard.
A string identifying a crSocket app, e.g. commtest or mathtrials.
A string which identifie a CRSocket client processe with a particular appId and clientRole running within a particular browserEngine.
The role of a given crSocket client: either controller or responder.
A PHP/JavaScript CREvent object that can be transmitted between crSocket clients.
A CRSocket JavaScript object.
CRSocket app
A pair of controller/responder clients designed to communicate with each other.
CRSocket client
An active web app process that is able to communicate with a partnerClient by means of a crSocket.
CRSocket metaState
A named set of crSocket states with some well-defined common properties.
CRSocket state
The current state of a crSocket.
The crSocket client with which a client is currently communicating. Only clients with matching appIds and complementary clientRoles can interact as partners. A given client can only be assigned to one partnerClient at a time.
The clientId of the crSocket client currently assigned as partnerClient.